1 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts
3 tablespoons good olive oil
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Cut off the brown ends of the Brussels sprouts and pull off any yellow outer leaves. Mix them in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour them on a sheet pan and roast for 35 to 40 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. Shake the pan from time to time to brown the sprouts evenly. Sprinkle with more kosher salt ( I like these salty like French fries), and serve immediately.
I know on the brussel sprouts right? Up until a couple of years ago I didn't like them either. When I was little I would hide them in a napkin and then go to the bathroom and flush them down the toilet. Ha! :) I love them now though. I always put a little bit of parmesean cheese on them too.
I love brussel sprounts but I always use the frozen kind w/butter. Glad I can make them a new way now! My husband thinks she is boring too. But I think her voice is so soothing and she is funny! I made your recipe for Mexican Chicken and it was soo yummy. Keep posting some yummy recipes. Helps me out in the kitchen:)
We made this recipe on Thanksgiving and they are SO GOOD!
I had roasted brussel sprouts at a bed and breakfast last month. They were fabulous - will have to try these.
My daughter-in-law told me about your blog. I have made the artichoke chicken and poppy seed chicken, both were fabulous!!
Thanks for posting these wonderful recipes!!
This is a family favorite at my house. Sometimes they don't even make it to the table because everyone starts picking at them as soon as they come out of the oven. We usually cut up a big onion in ours and sometimes drizzle a little of balsamic vinegar on them after they are finished roasting.
I've never been a brussel sprouts fan, but now you've got me curious! Were these made from frozen or fresh ones? Every kind I've had has just been so bitter.
I do the same with asparagus and my child eats it like french fries. it is so yummy....
I'm totally with Scott on the Barefoot Contessa. She is a snooze, and only wears black, white or denim shirts with a popped collar. It's terrible! Where is her stylist?!?!? However, even with all of her pretentious cooking, the woman makes some good stuff.
I'll be sure to try these out. They look fab and I love a good sprout!
I've never ever tried brussel sprouts. I actually noticed that they were on sale today at the grocery store. Now I wish I would have bought some. They look really yummy. I might have to make another trip to the store tomorrow!
I LOVE those frozen brussel sprouts that "Anonymous" mentioned. I LOVE them. I used to eat a whole bag by myself when I got home from high school!
I have never tried them roasted. I think I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe and idea. And I'm happy you have added a new vegie to your diet! :)
i cut up bacon into little bits with my kitchen /food prep shears. toss with the brussel sprouts and roast like you normally would.
you might want to skip the salt until you do a taste test when they're done. enjoy!
i think you'll find that the bacon takes them to another level.
It's much quicker to cut them in half, coat with olive oil, place them flat side down in a hot skillet and brown, flip pan when they are brown and coat the other side. When done, grate a little parm cheese, along with the salt and pepper. Yummo!, no wait that's a Rachel word.
That is soooo funny what your husband said about her! My husband says the exact same thing when she comes on tv. Love all her recipes, though!
hi kelly! this is the only way i serve brussel sprouts! it's also a great way to cook green beans and asparagus.
I never liked them either until I found this same recipe a few years ago! They are delicious! And I love the Barefoot Contessa. She is a good cook. I also love Tyler's Ultimate. Yum!
If you love brussel sprouts try adding pancetta...it makes them even more delicious...here's a recipe I use-
1 lb. brussel sprouts, trimmed
2 TBSP olive oil
3 oz. paper-thin slices pancetta, coarsely chopped
salt and pepper
3/4 c. low sodium chicken broth
Partialy cook the sprouts in a large pot of boiling salted water, about 4 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a heavy large skillet. Add the pancetta and saute until beginning to crisp, about 3 min. Add the garlic and saute until golden. Add the sprouts to the same skillet and saute til heated thru, about 5 min. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the broth and simmer until the broth reduces just enough to coat the sprouts, about 3 min. Enjoy!
I don't think I've ever had brussel sprouts so maybe I will have to try them roasted. I recently had roasted green beans for the first time and the were SO GOOD.
I love the Barefoot Contessa. I record the new episodes on Saturdays if I'm not going to be able to watch. She makes the best food.
I just told my hubby last night that I would let him cook some brussel sprouts for me to try. I keep seeing them in good use on The Food Network. Bobby Flay sauteed them up with some pancetta, and who WOULDN'T love that? LOL! My hubby loves them, so I'm going to have to bite the bullet and give them a whirl. :)
I always feel so embarrassed to say it, but I LOVE brussel sprouts!!!! Always have! My dad loves them and I always had them growing up. All three of my sisters HATED them though, and they always made fun of me for liking them!!! LOL!!! I am going to have to try this recipe. Now, if only I could get my hubby to eat them!!! LOL!!! Then I would have a slim chance on getting my kids to eat them too!!!
I make them very similar, but add pecans like this recipe:
This one of my favorite ways to make vegetables. We also roast fresh green beans and broccoli in the oven like this. If you've never tried it, you should. Don't use just the heads of the broccoli, just cut the very ends off the stems and chop the broccoli into long pieces with stems and heads. Green beans and broccoli don't take as long as the brussel sprout recipe calls for. I always do it by look - not burnt but you want some color on them. Can't wait to try brussel sprouts this way!
I've discovered via the Barefoot Contessa that quite a few vegetables taste a lot better when you drizzle them with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and roast at 400 degrees. I haven't made brussel sprouts yet this year, but will try to make this recipe - thanks for sharing! I've heard Cauliflower made this way is also amazing.
And no, there's no way she's boring - my husband buys her books for me all the time because her recipes are amazing!
I have never been a big brussel sprout fan myself. However, the trick I have found is to cook them like cabbage. In a large skillet cook down some bacon, slice sprouts in half and smother. They are quite tasty:)
Hi Kelly! I have to admit that I don't cook that often and when I do, I always look for quick and easy recipes. Tonight I tried this and the shrimp and rice dish. YUMMY! Thanks so much for sharing!
We didn't used to like brussel sprouts until I start roasting them this same way. Just about anything tossed with a little olive oil, salt & pepper, and roasted, is wonderful.
These are a favorite at our house even my kids (5 and 3) ask for seconds!
My 2 year old daughter, Bella Grace, LOVES these! We eat them all the time! Also try grilling them next time you grill out...super yummy!
I made the brussel sprouts tonight and all I can say is yummy! I plant 4 brussel sprout plants every year and freeze them so we can enjoy them in the winter. I normally steam them but wanted to try your recipe. My timing was off and they were ready before the rest of the food. My oldest daughter and I ate most of them before they made it to the table. My husband is working late tonight and I hate to say that we did not save him any of the brussel sprouts!
Just found your blog, I coincidentally made these the other night and they were wonderful! My apartment smelled like brussel sprouts for days though haha, my roommates weren't too thrilled!
. They were fabulous - will have to try these.
Work from home India
I have to tell you--Dec. 3 is my birthday and this post was one of the best gifts I got that day! It made me rediscover sprouts and while I have tried three other recipes since, this is still my hands down favorite, and not just because it's easiest! My market sells a cute little basket of sprouts and one of those is a great lunch for me on a cold winter day. Thanks so much and happy new year!
I have never tried Brussels sprouts before, but saw these both here and in a holiday recipe magazine, and both times my mouth watered because they looked so good.
So I finally made them the other night. My 5 year old absolutely DEVOURED them! My 3 year old gagged, but he gags at everything he doesn't think he'll like. Then tonight, he asked me to buy more!
So off to the store we go -- and on the kids' "must buy" list: (1) vanilla yogurt - they go thru 1 big tub a day!! (2) Anaheim Peppers (add feta cheese, swiss cheese, tomato sauce, and bake at 400 for 15 minutes and all the spiciness is gone), and (3) BRUSSELS SPROUTS!
My daughter literally asked me to call Daddy and ask him to bring some home for her yesterday because we were out. So tonight I bought 2 clamshells of them.
Thanks for the yummy recipe!
(BTW, I also made the wild rice and shrimp dish for Christmas -- mmmm, so divine! But where do you find wild rice down here? The WM on Pleasant Grove Rd didn't have any.... so I found a mix that was good, but miss wild rice. I'm from the north, where wild rice is in abundance -- but didn't know where to find it after moving down here.)
I also like BC and hubby hates her. This is a great recipe. Thanks for sharing!
I've tried this recipe 3 times and it is fabulous. I love to buy the brussel sprouts at our local farmers market. I'm serving these with salmon patties tonight. Thanks for the great recipe and I love Barefoot Contessa. I met her once at a book signing and she was very nice!
I totally agree with Scott!!!! LOL!
Good thing her food looks awesome.
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